Thinking about love? Always!


Yes, it is that time of year again when we all think about love. For some of us there is much happiness, for others there may be sadness and pain.

I am on the side of happiness. I have had plenty of emotional pain in my life. I understand how that pain can be exacerbated during the week of Valentine’s Day. I remember the games and one-upsmenship that used to be played in my office: who got flowers, who’s flowers came first, who’s dating, etc. I finally got wise and understood that our commercial culture pushes those ideas so that we will buy things to make us feel better. Now I’m all about buying things if you can afford them and want to, but I don’t think that “things” are proof of love.       90734

Once I realized that I can choose to control how I feel about this or any other holiday, I realized that I can also choose to enjoy or be upset. I choose happiness. First of all, I believe that I am loved by God. Secondly, I love God. Lastly, but no less important, I choose to love many people and I am loved by them!

So Valentine’s Day does not have to be about romantic love alone it can be about love. My God, my family and friends, my cats, birds, turtle, flowers, creativity, etc. There is much for me to love. Am I thinking about love? Always!

Kim        DSC_1478

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